Meanwhile at Greensaw

Kitchen cabinets
While the masons and the spray foam insulation guys have been doing their thing at the buildings, Greensaw has been busy making kitchen cabinets.

These are the lower cabinets. They have black walnut frames with an infill made from sanded palette wood. Behind the palettes is a material painted various colors that will be revealed as the the wood expands and contracts with temperature changes.

Cool, huh? The kitchens are going to be amazing, I can’t wait to see them.

Behind Bars

Scaffolding is up in front of the building. After this last piece of stucco work the building will no longer look abandoned 🙂

Façade work has begun


Batt on the left, Cellulose on the ceiling and Spray Foam on the right
Now that rough electrical/plumbing/HVAC is in we have moved on to insulation. This picture to the right shows the 3 kinds of insulation we are using in the buildings: Batt, Cellulose and Spray Foam. All are various types of green insulation.

Insulation plays a big part in our LEED renovation — the thermal envelope and draftiness of the buildings will have to pass the test to get to Platinum.