Heading Towards the Finish Line

We are in the final stretch — the finish work phase of the project.

We have paint!

And tile!

And cabinets being installed!

Next is trim, flooring, appliances, lighting…I can’t wait to see what Greensaw has in store for us.


We lucked out with a rain-fee week and were able to get the stucco on the front of the buildings done. I apologize to everyone on Girard Ave for the dusty mess, but I think we are done the messiest exterior part of this rehab.

Before / During / After - click to enlarge


On Friday, around 1pm we gave Mia’s parents and one of her sisters a tour of the buildings. A few Greensaw guys were there and they told us the first drywall delivery was coming that afternoon. On Sunday I gave one of Mia’s brothers and his wife a tour of the buildings where we discovered this had happened:

Wow. I can’t believe how fast drywall has gone up and how completely DIFFERENT it makes everything look. It’s starting to look real.

Here’s a quick before/after of the 206 Storefront (which is available for lease if you are interested).


Minerva-Brunnen Oberlahnstein

Christopher in the "archaeological dig" behind 206
A big trench has been dug around the periphery of the foundation of the buildings so they can seal it up. All that digging has uncovered a ton of broken clay bottles in the back of 206. I know in the late 1800’s 206 was a Tavern owned by John S. Riehl so finding bottles makes sense. Mia’s brother Christopher and his wife Jackie are really into archeological mysteries so I knew they would be good helpers in figuring these bottles out.

We dug around until we found pieces of bottles with intact seals on them.
Here is what I was able to find out on the Internets. Continue reading “Minerva-Brunnen Oberlahnstein”