
We lucked out with a rain-fee week and were able to get the stucco on the front of the buildings done. I apologize to everyone on Girard Ave for the dusty mess, but I think we are done the messiest exterior part of this rehab.

Before / During / After - click to enlarge


On Friday, around 1pm we gave Mia’s parents and one of her sisters a tour of the buildings. A few Greensaw guys were there and they told us the first drywall delivery was coming that afternoon. On Sunday I gave one of Mia’s brothers and his wife a tour of the buildings where we discovered this had happened:

Wow. I can’t believe how fast drywall has gone up and how completely DIFFERENT it makes everything look. It’s starting to look real.

Here’s a quick before/after of the 206 Storefront (which is available for lease if you are interested).


Minerva-Brunnen Oberlahnstein

Christopher in the "archaeological dig" behind 206
A big trench has been dug around the periphery of the foundation of the buildings so they can seal it up. All that digging has uncovered a ton of broken clay bottles in the back of 206. I know in the late 1800’s 206 was a Tavern owned by John S. Riehl so finding bottles makes sense. Mia’s brother Christopher and his wife Jackie are really into archeological mysteries so I knew they would be good helpers in figuring these bottles out.

We dug around until we found pieces of bottles with intact seals on them.
Here is what I was able to find out on the Internets. Continue reading “Minerva-Brunnen Oberlahnstein”