
We lucked out with a rain-fee week and were able to get the stucco on the front of the buildings done. I apologize to everyone on Girard Ave for the dusty mess, but I think we are done the messiest exterior part of this rehab.

Before / During / After - click to enlarge

Behind Bars

Scaffolding is up in front of the building. After this last piece of stucco work the building will no longer look abandoned 🙂

Façade work has begun


Old Sidewalks ripped out

There’s a lot going on at the site — not only inside the buildings, but outside on the sidewalk. East Girard Ave is undergoing some streetscaping. I am feeling a little spoiled that we will soon be enjoying brand new sidewalks when I know this project has been in the works for several years with many starts and stops, however I am psyched for a new pretty sidewalk.

On the back of the building, stucco work is in full force. Behold the transformative power of stucco…
Stucco in progress - Click to enlarge