LEED Platinum Plaque Mounting Ceremony

Friday, September 21, 2012 @ 204-206 East Girard Ave.
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It’s been a long road with a lot of challenges, but we did it! 204-206 East Girard Ave is the FIRST LEED Platinum Mixed-use Rehab in Pennsylvania. LEED Platinum is the highest level of the US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building certification system.

We are ready to celebrate!

Join us for a plaque mounting ceremony on Friday, September 21, 2012 at 5:30pm at the buildings. The Greensaw folks will mount our LEED plaque to the front of the buildings and we will have a toast.


A Tour

204-206 East Girard Avenue
204-206 East Girard Avenue
While I am impatiently waiting for an answer from zoning today, I thought I would put together a tour of the buildings in their current state.

I have lived in Philly since 1988 and have fallen in love with many of the vacant, dilapidated buildings in this town. Over the years, I have ridden my bike past these rotting, architecturally beautiful buildings while renovating them in my mind.

This is how I felt when I first saw these buildings. It was love at first sight. I think many people would be scared away by the advanced water damage, but I saw amazing natural light, a great layout and lots of potential.

Continue reading “A Tour”

A new home for YIKES

Tracy under the SOLD sign of YIKES's future home
Tracy under the SOLD sign of YIKES's future home

Today is a big day for YIKES. Owners, Tracy and Mia Levesque, purchased 2 vacant, run-down buildings on East Girard Ave in Fishtown that will contain YIKES’ future home.

The planned green renovation will bring the buildings to LEED Platinum status, the highest level of certification of this green building certification system.

Since it’s inception in 1996, YIKES has been dedicated to sustainable and green business practices. The opportunity to build and occupy a LEED Platinum office is a dream come true for us.

We are excited to document the project as we go from blight to building, contributing to the vibrant revitalization of the Girard Ave commercial corridor in Fishtown.